
Link to with extensive Videos and Slide presentations correlating Scriptures and Science.

Reading suggestions for our Geology 'n Faith Tour

Here are two references that Ariel is recommending that you acquire, one or the other, and become familiar with before the trip. The first is out of print, but you may have a copy if you traveled with him before. I found a used copy on Amazon. The second is readily available on Amazon.

1. Rhodes, Frank H. T., Geology, a Golden Guide, Golden Press, New York, NY, 1972

2. Lambert, David, The Field Guide to Geology, Checkmark Books, New York, NY, 2007 (ISBN 0-8160-6509-8)

Personally, I recommend:

Roth, Ariel A., Origins, Linking Science and Scripture, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 1998 (ISBN 0-8280-1328-4) Also usually available on Amazon.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Paul Giem will be joining us on this trip. He will be presenting lectures on Why it all Matters, Carbon-14 Dating, Radiometric Dating, and possibly other subjects. You may be interested in reading his book:

Giem, Paul, Scientific Theology, La Sierra University Press, Riverside, CA, 1996 The book can be accessed and read on the internet.

Or Dr. Giem's papers may be found on the internet by doing a Google search on Paul Giem and Carbon-14.

Genesis and Geology - Field Guide

Ariel A. Roth, Ph.D. is the author of this extensive field guide for the 2007 "Geology 'n Faith" Conference Field Trip. Click above to access the full field guide, complete with many pictures, graphs, diagrams, helpful material, and references.

Further reading suggestions

Click this link for addtional material on this website.